
Several months ago I was looking for something that would help me to build and maintain my homepage. To my surprise there were many, many editors available and they all reminded me of the new clothes of the emperor. Or worse, nice looking play-things with lots of cascading menu's and endless dialogs.

I had some free time to kill, so I started writing my own editor. I think it's good, but still in need of some polishing up. Eventually, Anansi should enable my 80-year grandfather to make a homepage without needing to study all those ugly HTML-tags. Wizards don't need to be afraid, Anansi will remain serving them just as well.

Anansi is freeware and comes in two Windows flavours: 16 bits (3.x) and 32 bits (95). If you like it, I would appreciate it very much if you'd send your praise. Complaints, bug-reports and suggestions are just as welcome.

Yours sincerely,

Harry Bosma

P.S. Visit Anansi's Homepage for the latest on Anansi and - possibly - new helpfiles.

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